Heating Units for floor standing boilers

Heating Units for floor standing boilers
Technical Specs
- Thermostat: 3 phased 3x20 A
- Maximum Operating Temperature: 60 oC
- Tube Material Alloy: AISI 316L (EN 1.4404)
Heating Unit 6 or 9 kW 400V/3~ G 1 ½” for vertical installation on top of floor standing boilers.
Heating Unit 6-9 kW – 400 V/3~ (3-phase) from stainless steel alloy tube AISI 316L (ΕΝ 1.4404), brazed on a threaded G1 ½”. Includes 3-phase thermostat with safety cut-out and external setting, neon indicative bulb, plastic safety cover. Long length (110cm or 140cm) with 20cm inactive zone, designed specifically for vertical installation on top of floor standing boilers.
Recommended for enameled and stainless-steel boilers. Not suitable for copper tanks.
CAUTION: The use of magnesium anode for cathodic protection is necessary. Otherwise, the immersion heater is exposed to corrosion and will fail.
Product Code:
21110175: Immersion heater 400 V/3~ – 6 kW – L1100
21110257: Immersion heater 400 V/3~ – 6 kW – L1400
21110072: Immersion heater 400 V/3~ – 9 kW – L1100
21110255: Immersion heater 400 V/3~ – 9 kW – L1400